Hon'ble Mr. Justice
A. Abhishek Reddy
Date of Birth
Initial Joining
Joining at PHC
Date of Retirement
Patna High Court
Honourable Sri Justice A.Abhishek Reddy is the son Sri A.Pulla Reddy, Advocate, and Smt.Dr.A.Shashirekha Reddy, born on 07th November, 1967, and hails from Lingampally village, Manchal Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, Telengana State.
He has done his schooling from St.Pauls High School, Hyderguda, Intermediate from Little Flower Junior College, Uppal. On completion of graduation in Bachelor of Arts from Nizam College, Hyderabad, He obtained Law Degree from University College of Law, Osmania University, in the year 1990 and enrolled as Advocate in the erstwhile Bar Council of Andhra Pradesh at Hyderabad, July, 1990.
After enrolment, he has joined the chambers of his father Sri A.Pulla Reddy. His Lordship has practised in various branches of Law before various Tribunals, Forums, Revenue authorities and Courts including District Court, Ranga Reddy District, City Civil Court, Hyderabad, and the High Court of Andhra Pradesh and handled cases mainly involving Constitutional, Arbitration, Administration, Civil, Family, Revenue, Land Acquisition, and various other branches of Law, both on the original and appellate side.
He has completed LL.M. from Washington College of Law, The American University, Washington D.C., in the year 1993 and resumed practice.
He was appointed as Government Pleader-cum-Public Prosecutor in the Special Court under A.P. Land Grabbing (Prohibition) Act in the year 2004 and worked as Government Pleader for Higher and Technical Education, in the High Court of Andhra Pradesh from 2007 to 2009. He was the Standing Counsel for many institutions including Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad, Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University (JNAFAU), Telangana Fee Regulatory Committee (TFRC) and various other organizations.
He has appeared on behalf of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA), Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE), Chattisgarh Board of Secondary Education, Pondicherry Urban Development Agency (PUDA), Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) and State Board of Technical Education and Training (SBTET) in the High Court.
Elevated to the Bench as Permanent Judge, High Court for the State of Telangana at Hyderabad, on 26th August, 2019. He transferred as Judge of Patna High Court and assumed charge as such on the forenoon of 15.05.2023. Presently working as a Judge in the Patna High Court.