Legal Services
Legal Services includes providing Free Legal Aid to those weaker sections of the
society whofall within the purview of Section 12 of the Legal Services Authority
Act, 1987. It also entails creating legal awareness by spreading legal literacy
through legal awareness camps, print media, digital media and organizing Lok Adalats
for the amicable settlement of disputes which are either pending or which are yet
to be filed, by way of compromise. NALSA also undertakes necessary steps by way
of social action litigation with regards to any matter of special concern to the
weaker sections of the society. Legal services also encompasses facilitating the
beneficiaries to get their entitlements under various government schemes, policies
and legislations
Free legal aid is the provision of free legal services in civil and criminal matters
for those poor and marginalized people who cannot afford the services of a lawyer
for the conduct of a case or a legal proceeding in any Court, Tribunal or Authority.
These services are governed by Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 and headed by
the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA).
Provision of free legal aid may include:
a.) Representation by an Advocate in legal proceedings.
b.) Payment of process fees, expenses of witnesses and all other charges payable
or incurred in connection with any legal proceedings in appropriate cases;
c.) Preparation of pleadings, memo of appeal, paper book including printing and
translation of documents in legal proceedings;
d.) Drafting of legal documents, special leave petition etc.
e.) Supply of certified copies of judgments, orders, notes of evidence and other
documents in legal proceedings.
Free Legal Services also include provision of aid and advice to the beneficiaries
to access the benefits under the welfare statutes and schemes framed by the Central
Government or the State Government and to ensure access to justice in any other
According to Section 2(c) of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987, “legal services”
includes any service in the conduct of any case or other legal proceeding before
any court or other authority or tribunal and the giving of advice on any legal matter.
According to Section 13 (1) of the Act, any individual who satisfies any criteria
under Section 12 is entitled to receive legal services, provided that the concerned
Legal Services Authority is satisfied that such person has a genuine case to prosecute
or defend the matter. There is hence no bar as to which kind of cases one can apply
and not apply for. All kinds of cases are included as long as the individual satisfies
the eligibility under Section 12 of the Act.
You can avail the services of a lawyer of your choice under free
legal services. According to regulation 7(6) of the National Legal Services Authority
(Free and Competent Legal Services) Regulations 2010, the application for legal
services will be scrutinized by the Member-Secretary or the Secretary and if the
applicant has mentioned/expressed his/her choice of a lawyer on the panel, such
Member-Secretary or Secretary can consider and allow the same.
You can get any kind of legal service under free legal aid/services.
You can apply to get free legal aid at any stage of the case as long as you
are eligible to attain free legal services as per Section 12 of the Legal Services
Authorities Act, 1987. Even if you had your personal lawyer before and require a
lawyer under free legal aid only at the stage of appeal (and are eligible under
Section 12), you can make an application to avail the same.