Claiming Free Legal Aid / Application Procedure
Depending upon the territorial and subject matter jurisdiction of the case, an individual
should approach the following appropriate authority:
a.) Taluk Legal Services Committee which is in the premises of the Court in that
Taluk; or
b.) District Legal Services Authority which is in the premises of the District Court
in the District Headquarters; or
c.) The concerned State Legal Services Authority (for particular cases, panels of
which are maintained at State level);
d.) The High Court Legal Services Committee which is in the premises of the concerned
High Court; or
e.) The Supreme Court Legal Services Committee for cases before the Hon’ble Supreme
Each District Legal Services Authority, High Court Legal Services Committee and
State Legal Services Authority has a front office where an application can be moved.
You can apply for free legal aid either offline or online(Through Email). You can fill up the ready-made
form/application form that is available at your nearest Legal Services Authority
and submit the same at either the Authority physically, or post the application
to the Authority.
You can even make an application in writing on a simple piece of paper with the
necessary details such as your name, gender, residential address, employment status,
nationality, whether SC/ST (with proof in support), income per month (with affidavit),
the case for which legal aid is required, reason for seeking legal aid, etc. and
submit it physically or send by post.