No. C/LA-38/94/2747, dated the 2nd August, 1996 - In exercise of the powers conferred
by Section 28 of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 (Act 39 of 1987) the Governor
of Bihar in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature
at Patna is pleased to make the following rules namely.
1. Short title and commencement.
(1) These Rules may be called the Bihar State Legal Services Authority Rules, 1996.
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification,
published in Official Gazette, appoint.
2. Definitions.- In these Rules unless the context otherwise requires-
(a) "Act" means the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987.
(b) "Chairman" means the Executive Chairman of the State Authority or as the case
may be, of the High Court Legal Services Committee, District Legal Services Authority
and the Sub-Divisional Legal Services Committee.
(c) “High Court” means the High Court of Judicature at Patna.
(d) “High Court Committee” means a High Court Legal Services Committee.
(e) “Member” means the Member of the State Legal Services Authority, or as the case
may be, member of the High Court Legal Services Authority, or, as the case may be,
member of the District Legal Services Authority, as the case may be, member of the
Sub-divisional Legal Services Authority.
(f) “Secretary” means the Member Secretary of the State Legal Services Authority
or, as the case may be, Secretary of the High Court Legal Services Committee, or
as the case may be, Secretary of the District Legal Services Authority.
(g) “State Government” means the State Government of Bihar.
(h) “Sub-divisional Authority” means the Sub-divisional Legal Services Authority.
(i) All words and expressions used in these Rules but not defined shall have the
same meaning as assigned to them in the Act.
3. Constitution of the State Legal Services Authority.-
(1) The State Legal Services Authority shall consist of
(a) The Chief Justice of the High Court Patron -in-Chief.
(b) (i)A serving or retired Judge of the High Court to be nominated by the Governor
In consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court- Executive Chairman
(ii)Chairperson of Patna High Court Legal Services Committee- Ex-Officio Member
(c) Advocate-General,Bihar Ex-Officio Member.
(d) President, State Bar Council Ex- Officio Member.
(e) Secretary,Finance Department Ex-Officio Member.
(f) Secretary,Law Department Ex-Officio Member.
(g) (i)The Chairman, Scheduled Caste Commission -Ex-Officio Member.
(ii)The Chairman, Schedule Tribes Commission -Ex-Officio Member.
(iii)The Chairman, Mahadalit Commission -Ex-Officio Member
(h) The Chairman, Backward Classes Commission-Ex-Officio Member
(i)Two Chairmen of the District Authority as may be nominated by the State Government
in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court. - Member
(j) One Woman
Member of the Bar: to be nominated by the State Government in consultation with
the Chief Justice of the High Court. - Member
(k) One Lady Social Worker to be nominated by the State Government in consultation
with the Chief Justice of the High Court. - Member
(l) One representative of the Industrial Workers to be nominated by the State Government
in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court. - Member
(m) One member of the High Court Bar Association to be nominated by the State Government
in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court.- Member
(n) An Officer of the State Higher Judicial Service, not lower in rank than that
of a District Judge to be appointed by the State Government in consultation with
the Chief Justice of the High Court.- Member Secretary
4. Powers and Functions of the Member Secretary-
(1) The Secretary shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the State Authority and
shall under the control of the State Authority exercise all the administrative and
financial powers in respect of the affairs of the State Authority as are vested
in the Head of office under the Bihar Service Code, the Bihar Financial Rules and
other rules, Codes, Circulars or resolutions of the State Government.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the powers
and functions of the Secretary inter-alia, shall be-
(a) to be custodian of, and to manage the properties , records and funds of the
State Authority.
(b) to maintain or cause to be maintained, proper accounts of the State Authority.
(c) shall get the accounts of the State Authority to be audited annually by proper
(d) to prepare annual Budget of the State Authority and shall send it to the State
Government for approval.
(e) to work out modalities of the Legal Services Schemes and programmes approved
by the State Authority and ensure their effective monitoring and implementation.
(f) to inform the general public about the various aspects of the Legal Services
Schemes and Programmes.
(g) to lay stress on the resolution of rural dispute and to take measures to draw
up schemes for legal services for settling rural disputes.
(h) to liaise with Social Action Groups and District Authority and Sub-divisional
(i) to maintain up-to-date and complete statistical information including progress
made in the implementation of various legal services programmes from time-to- time.
(j) to process proposals for financial assistance and issue utilization certificates
(k) to perform such other functions as the Member Secretary may deem fit and proper
the advancements of the objects of the Act or as may be assigned to him under the
Scheme by the State Authority.
5. Terms and conditions of Office Members and Member Secretary-
(1) The Secretary shall be an officer of the State Higher Judicial Service, not
lower in rank than that of District Judge in super time scale who shall be appointed
by the State Government in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court.
(2) The Secretary shall be a whole time Officer and shall hold office for a period
of three years.
(3) The Secretary shall be entitled to such salary, allowances and other benefits
as are admissible to a District Judge and shall also be governed by the Bihar Superior
Judicial Service Rules.
(4) The term of the member of the State Authority, High Court Legal Services Committee,
District Legal Services Authority and sub-divisional Legal Services Committee shall
be for a period of two years and shall be eligible for renomination.
(5) A nominated member of the State Authority may be removed by the State Government
on the advice of the Chief Justice of the High Court, if his continuance as a Member
is not desirable.
(6) Any nominated member of the State Authority may resign his membership by communication
in writing signed by him and addressed to the Chief Justice of the High Court.
(7) Any vacancy caused by any Member resigning or being removed or otherwise shall
be filled up in the same manner as the original nomination and the person so nominated
shall continue to be member for the remaining term of the member in whose place
he is nominated.
(8) A member shall be entitled to draw traveling allowance and daily allowance for
attending the meeting of the State Authority in accordance with rules as are applicable
to Class I Officers of the State Government.
(9) Whenever a retired Judge of the High Court is nominated to perform the functions
of the Executive Chairman, he shall be entitled to all the emoluments and other
benefits admissible to a sitting Judge of the High Court.
6. Staff of the State Authority.- The State Authority shall have such number of
officers and other employees for its day to day functions as are set out in the
Schedule of these rules. The Schedule shall, however, be amended by the State Government
on the advice of the Chief Justice.
7. Pay, allowances, and other facilities to the Officers and employees of the State
(1) In all matters like age of retirement, pay and allowances, benefits and entitlements
and disciplinary matters, the Member Secretary shall be governed by the Bihar Superior
Judicial Service Rules and other Judicial Officers below the rank of Additional
District & Sessions Judge shall be governed by the Bihar Judicial Service Rules
and the Officers on deputation shall be governed by the rules of their parent departments
and they shall be on deputation to the State Authority.
(2) The other employees of the State Authority shall be governed by Bihar Service
Code and the rules and circulars applicable to the State Government employees. However
such employees who are on deputation to the State Authority shall be governed by
the respective rules and circulars applicable to them of their parent department.
(3) The Officers and other employees of the State Authority shall be entitled to
such other facilities, and benefits as may be notified by the State Government from
time to time.
8. Appointment of the Secretary of the High Court Legal Services Committee.- A person
shall not be qualified for appointment as Secretary of the High Court Legal Services
Committee unless he is an officer of the High Court not below the rank of Joint
9. Staff of the High Court Legal Services Committee and their salary and allowances.-
(1) The High Court Legal Services Committee shall have such number of officers and
employees for its day-today functions as are set out in Schedule of these rules.
The schedule shall, however, be liable to be modified on the advice of the Chief
(2) Such pay and allowances to the staff of the High Court Legal Services Committee
admissible shall be as may be determined by the State Government from time to time.
(3) The Officers and other employees of the High Court Legal Services Committee
shall be governed by Bihar Service Code and rules and circulars applicable to the
State Government employees, or, as the case may be, by the Staff Rules of the Patna
High Court.
10. Constitution of District Authority.- The District Authority shall consist of—
(a)District Judge- Chairman
(b) District Magistrate- Vice-Chairman,Members
(c)Superintendent of Police
(d)District Government Pleader
(e)District Public Prosecutor (f)President, District Bar Association.
(g)One social worker, who is engaged in upliftment of the weaker sections shall
be nominated by the State Government in consultation with the Chief Justice of High
(h)One S.C./ S.T. member of the District Bar to be nominated by the State Government
in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court.
(i)An officer belonging to the State Judicial Service not lower in rank than that
of a Sub-ordinate Judge of the District to be appointed by the State Authority in
consultation with the Chief Justice – Secretary.
11. Staff of the District Authority.- The District Authority shall have such number
of staff for its day-to-day functions as are set out in the schedule of these rules
or as may be notified by the State Government from time to time in consultation
with the Chief Justice.
12. Allowance to the Staff of the District Authority—(1) The staff of the District
Authority shall be appointed by the Chairman from amongst the Civil Court employees
of the District on deputation.
13. Constitution of Sub-divisional Legal Services Committee.—The Sub- divisional
Legal Services Committee shall consist of—
(a)Senior-most Judicial officer of the sub-division –Chairman
(b)Sub-divisional Magistrate --Vice Chairman,Members.
(c) One Asstt. Government Pleader.
(d)One member of the local Bar Association to be nominated by the State Government
in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court.
(e)One member of the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes to be nominated by the State
Government in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court
(f)Sub-divisional Judicial Magistrate or in case the Cadre S.D.J.M. is Chairman
the next senior Judicial officer posted at the Station—Secretary.
14. Staff of the Sub-divisional Committee.— The Sub-divisional Legal Services Committee
shall have such number of staff for its day-to-day functions as are set out in the
Schedule of these rules or as may be notified by the State Government from time
to time.
15. Allowance to the Staff of the Sub-divisional Committee— The staff of the sub-divisional
legal services committee shall be appointed by the Chairman of the District Authority
from amongst the staff of the civil court on deputation.
16. Persons eligible for legal services.— Persons who are bonafide residents of
Bihar having income of not more than Rs. 12,000 per annum under section 12 (h) of
the Act shall be eligible for legal services under the Act.
17. Constitution of Lok Adalat.— A person shall not be qualified to be included
in the Bench of Lok Adalat unless he is—
(a) A serving or retired Judicial Officer.
(b)A distinguished social worker who is engaged in the upliftment of the weaker
sections of the people including Scheduled Castes/Schedule Tribes, Women, Children,
Rural and Urban Labour.
(c) A lawyer of standing.
(d)A person of repute who is specially interested in the implementation of the legal
services schemes and programmes.